Thursday, November 1, 2012

I Guess It's Just the Time of Year

Man, oh man have I been busy these past few days!  The boys were out of school Monday for Fall Break and they are out today for All Saints Day.  It seems like I've been going non-stop the past week! The youngest's birthday was Friday, the boys' soccer tournament was Saturday, Monday was just an off day because my husband worked and the boys were home all day and I really didn't get much accomplished.

And then, around 9:30 Monday evening, I remembered my youngest was supposed to take cupcakes to school Tuesday...*sigh*  So, I made cupcakes! I was extremely tired and didn't have the energy to frost them so I put that off until Tuesday. I ended up going to bed around 1:15A.M. Only to wake up at 6:00A.M. (there was some confusion about where clean underwear was located and shouting was involved...I came out of bed ready to fight LOL) and take the boys to school and then come home and get to work.  Between the hours of 8:15A.M. and 2:00P.M. I accomplished the following:

~*~ Washed ALL of the dishes ~*~
~*~ Made peanut butter swiss meringue buttercream (YES it was as delicious as it sounds!) ~*~
~*~ Piped frosting onto 22 cupcakes ~*~
~*~Created a one-of-a-kind pattern for pirate costumes ~*~
~*~ Successfully finished making one pair of pirate pants ~*~
~*~Did 3 loads of laundry ~*~
~*~Washed more dishes ~*~

And then picked up the boys from school, came home and worked on pirate costumes the rest of the night. Which brings me to Wednesday, or Halloween...have I mentioned next year if we don't have costumes figured out at least a week in advance we can forget Trick 'r Treating?  ALL MORNING Wednesday I worked on pirate costumes.  I love to sew, but by gosh it would have been nice to have at least 2 more days to work on these.  I think they turned out alright though.  I've always said that homemade costumes are better (and WAYYYYY cheaper) than store bought!

And today the boys didn't have school again, so I've been doing dishes and laundry allllllll day!  And searching for my sweet kitty Gray.  I haven't seen him since Sunday night and I'm really starting to worry because he never leaves home for more than a day.  

Anyway, as my title entails, it's just that time of the year.  There is so much going on and I don't anticipate getting much sleep until well after New Year's.  I would like to take a weekend though and just sleep through it.  I know, I know, you can't catch up on sleep.  But, sometimes I think I was meant to hibernate ;-)

Until next time, 
Fossykins OUT

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