Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Homemade Bread

Let me go all domestic on you today.  Currently, my whole house smells like homemade bread.  If you don't know what homemade bread smells like then you are truly missing out!  My reasoning for making bread?  1)It's cheaper than buying bread (coming from the lady who buys it at Aldi for $0.89/loaf) and 2) Have you ever looked at the list of ingredients on a bread bag? My bread has a mere 7 ingredients, and tastes 10 times better than the store bought stuff.  I know this because it has passed the kiddo approval test ;-)

If you think you can't make bread at home you are WRONG! I plan on making another delicious loaf tomorrow morning at which point I will take pictures and attempt to post a tutorial.  In the meantime, you should check out King Arthur's website and look at the plethora of bread recipes.  I can't vouch for all, but the Classic Sandwich Bread is absolutely divine.

In the event you plan on coming back for my tutorial in the morning, here are the ingredients you will need on hand to make the bread I will demonstrate: Yeast, Flour, Sugar (I sub honey), Salt, Water, Milk and Butter. Yep, that's all! And the best part?  There's absolutely NO High Fructose Corn Syrup, Preservatives, or Trans Fats...provided you shop wisely.  I suppose that's for another post....

Until Then,
Fossykins OUT

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