Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Laryngitis and Not Strep Throat

I broke down and went to the doctor this morning, mostly because my husband wanted me to, partially because when I cleared my throat last night some blood came up...

If you don't know me that well, or haven't been around me in a while, then you probably don't know just how much I dislike medical doctors.  A lot of that has to do with a botched gallbladder surgery that still isn't completely paid for and continuing pain and phantom attacks.  At any rate, this post isn't about that.  Long story short, I don't trust the majority of doctors.  Unless they have practiced for 60 years and really know what they are doing I think it is pointless to even try to talk to one.

Back to my lack of voice.  I went to the Urgent Care here (because that's really my only option...) and it only took 15 minutes for them to change my name in their computer system.  When I was finally called back, my blood pressure was normal, temperature was normal, weight was normal etc.  The doctor came in to see me, looked at my throat and said there was no redness or swelling (I keep telling everyone my throat ISN'T sore!) then proceeded to poke around on my neck and informed me that my larynx was swollen.  You don't say?  I already knew that!  He scribbles something down on his chart and then tells me that he isn't going to swab my throat for strep throat because it would come back negative and I'm not running a fever as I would with strep throat, but he's going to prescribe Amoxicillin because strep throat is going around. And I might want to try some chloraseptic spray. :-| SERIOUSLY?  I could have flushed $20 down the toilet this morning and would be in the same boat I'm in right now!

Anyway, for the time being I have taken a vow of silence...which means you all get to hear everything that's on my mind! I will also continue my honey and apple cider vinegar regimen...and I'm going to stay away from the doctor's office for another year and half...at least.

P.S. The Apple Cider Vinegar in that ad better be 5 gallons, because I buy the same stuff at Kroger for about $4...

Fossykins OUT!


  1. Have you noticed a difference with taking the vinegar and honey? Is it doing anything at all?

  2. I'm not clearing my throat as much...I guess that's something. Also, the longer I go without talking the better my neck is.

  3. But that's ORGANIC vinegar lol Ya, I have noticed docs are doing the whole prophylactic antibiotics push AGAIN these days...UGH...that is one of the main reasons immunities to them skyrocketed...BUH LAH! The blood probaby came from broken blood vessels from clearing your throat so much. He is right, no fever/redness/pain generally means no strep or infection...so, to give you an ABT bc "it's goin around" is 'toopid. BUT, generally Urgent Care type doctors are newbie doctors or ones who are supplementing their income because their private practice isn't doing so hot...hmm, wonder why it's not profiting?? lol
