Sunday, October 21, 2012

Long blog!

Hello everyone!  So, if you ever followed my other blog then you are well aware by now (unless I'm just THAT boring) that I haven't posted in close to a year.  I can't believe it's been that long, and MAN so much has happened in that year! For instance: I got married to the love of my life on December 8th. I am officially a step-mom to two AMAZING little boys ages 6 (7 in less than a week!) and 8.

Truth be told, I started to post on my old blog but it just didn't seem right.  That was Fossy's blog, and now I'm Fossykins.  I've become a whole new me and I determined that deserves a whole new blog!  Hopefully, I will take a little better care of this one than I did the other one! ;-)

For those of you who were never interested enough to follow my old blog, let me tell you a little bit about who I am...

I am 25 years old.
I have one dog, Jagger (a.k.a. Monster Dog) who turned 1 on July 1st and is half German Shepherd, half mastiff.
I have 3 cats, Gray (he's kind of a diva), Sleepy (She runs the show), and Slinky (seriously, he slinks EVERYWHERE)
I had 3 fish but they died a few months ago from some mysterious illness.
I LOVE old movies and television shows.
Cupcakes are kind of my thing.
I'm perfectly content to be a "housewife"...June Cleaver style.
I'm also a Walking Dead fanatic.  I know, I know, one of these things is not like the other....
OH! And I love sewing, knitting, gardening....when Martha Stewart dies she should leave her empire to me.

Alright, so there it introductory post!  Expect more later...thanks for stopping by and PLEASE comment so I know people are reading this stuff?

Fossykins OUT

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